Aisya AcademyApr 14, 20181 min readBACKGROUND OF THE POET & THE POEMLearning poetry should not be stressful. For the poetry section, we will learn a poem written by a local poet. Simply-written however, it...
Aisya AcademyApr 7, 20181 min readSTRUCTURE OF POEMSLet’s first get to know the types of poetry in literature. Click on the video below: Here’s a video on the elements of poetry which also...
Aisya AcademyMar 31, 20181 min readLITERARY DEVICES: POETRY FOR MY OLD AMAHAre you familiar with literary devices? To analyse and appraise a poem, literary devices are essential as they give ‘life’ to the poem...
Aisya AcademyMar 24, 20181 min readINTRODUCTION: SHORT STORY THE TRANSLATORLEARNING OUTCOME 1. To read and understand the short story assigned 2. To identify the elements of a short story and apply them 3. To...
Aisya AcademyMar 17, 20181 min readPLOT IN THE TRANSLATORLet’s talk about the PLOT of ‘The Translator’. But first, have a look at the diagram below to understand the basic plot structure of a...
Aisya AcademyMar 10, 20181 min readCHARACTER IN THE TRANSLATORCHARACTER AND CHARACTERIZATION This video will explain to you on what is CHARACTER and the TYPES OF CHARACTER you can find in prose or a...
Aisya AcademyMar 3, 20182 min readTHEMES IN THE TRANSLATORMAIN ISSUES (THEMES) IN THE STORY: · Social and cultural issues: A village deeply entrenched with Malay traditional beliefs e.g seeking...
Aisya AcademyFeb 24, 20181 min readPOINT OF VIEW IN THE TRANSLATOR☼ POV: Third person LIMITED (story told through the viewpoint of one character; perceptions of other characters are based on the...