At the end of the lesson, students are able to understand Point Of View used in the novel and identify the different types of Point of View used by Dickens in the novel Oliver Twist.
Is a stylistic device used by author(s) to engage with the reader(s)
First-person Narration
In first-person narration, the narrator tells the story from his/her point of view whereby the reader only reads or knows what the narrators knows. There is a lot of use of "I", " my", "we" and "us"The advantage of first-person point of view is the narrator shares his/her personal experiences with the readers and there is engagement with the story as the reader feels he/she is part of the story.In Oliver Twist, Dickens uses mostly third-person narration
Third-person Narration
The narrator is not part of the story and tells the story in the third person.There is a lot of use of "he" and "she"
The narrator is assumed to be " all-knowing" (Omniscient). It is as though the narrators knows all the characters and narrates the story from one scene to another, back and forth. While doing this, the narrator can also focus on one single character from time to time.